Wheels Move Fast On Survey Results

Inquisite's Web-based software eliminates printing and mailing costs

Darrell Dunn, Contributor

August 22, 2003

1 Min Read

If fleet drivers are happy, then Wheels Inc. is happy, too. The $1.5 billion-a-year company manages the life cycle of corporate fleets receiving service at more than 90,000 facilities in its authorized network. Now it's able to better gauge drivers' satisfaction with fueling and maintenance programs and other services essential for maintaining the productivity of Wheels' clients.

Web-based survey software from Inquisite, a division of Catapult Systems Corp., lets Wheels track the satisfaction of tens of thousands of drivers far less expensively and much more quickly than it once did. It used to take two months or longer to turn around the results of mailed surveys. Now Wheels can keep real-time tabs on results and compile final results in just a couple of weeks, says Joe Gnorski, market research analyst for Wheels. That way the company loses no time taking steps to ensure that its service network is operating efficiently, he says. "We're operating in a competitive field, and we need to keep our finger on the pulse of the end user," Gnorski says.

The software paid for itself in six months by cutting printing and mailing costs. Yearly software-renewal costs, Gnorski says, are equivalent to the cost of one paper survey.

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