HR and Collaboration Technologies Discussed in ForbesHR and Collaboration Technologies Discussed in Forbes
I am always excited about having articles written about our events
I am always excited about having articles written about our events, but when a major national magazine, such as Forbes, decides to write something related to Human Resources, collaboration technologies and then includes Enterprise 2.0 Santa Clara I knew the word had to be spread.On October 22nd, Rawn Shah wrote a blog titled "Are Collaborative Technologies on Your HR Department's Agenda?". Within this hereferences from the recently releasedIBM 2010 Global Chief Human Resource Officer study titled "Working beyond Borders" that highlights:
78 percent of HR leaders do not think their organizations are effective at fostering collaboration and social networking. Yet only 21 percent of companies have recently increased the amount they invest in the collaboration tools. Many organizations fail to fully utilize the knowledge-sharing resources they already possess. Only 19 percent of respondents regularly use collaborative technologies to identify individuals with relevant knowledge and skills. 23 percent use collaborative technologies to preserve critical knowledge, while 27 percent use it to spread innovation more widely across their organization.
Shah, then went on to state that:
This tells me that many organizations are still early in the stages of deploying collaboration systems within their organization, what we refer to as Enterprise 2.0. While it is a strategic need for the organization, there is still much to do to understand how and where they can apply collaborative technologies. When it comes to finding ways to create better linkages between employees in different departments or locations, the HR organization is at the nexus.
If you feel that either you or your HR team could benefit from learning how collaboration technologies can improve communications within your organization, then attend Enterprise 2.0 Santa Clara . With a full one-day program (on Tuesday, November 9) at the Santa Clara Convention Center titled "HR Collaboration Strategies", this is NOT an event to bemissed.Included in the HR Collaboration Strategies pass is four conference sessions, expo displaying the latest technologies, special programs and keynotes with a special panel titled Human Resources Meets Enterprise 2.0 and the Cloud where you will here from other HR professionals on how collaboration has benefited their organization.By registering with Priority CodeCNUJES25 you can receive $100 off the HR Collaboration Strategies, Full and 3-Day conferencepasses or get a free Expo Pass.
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