NFC, Pico & Audio: Mobile Chips In Full View

Many new mobile technology enhancements, from NFC to 4G to just plain old audio calling, are possible thanks to the silicon that makes it all so. At Mobile World Congress, there are as many chip manufacturers as any other mobile ecosystem player, and we met with everyone from Samsung to Intel to Qualcomm to Texas Instruments. Everyone's heard of them, but some of the most innovative advancements come from companies that are a bit more behind the scenes. Here are a few of our favorites from this

Fritz Nelson, Vice President, Editorial Director InformationWeek Business Technology Network

February 17, 2011

15 Slides

NXP puts an NFC chip in a business card, which can feed its information into a mobile phone.

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About the Author(s)

Fritz Nelson

Vice President, Editorial Director InformationWeek Business Technology Network

Fritz Nelson is a former senior VP and editorial director of the InformationWeek Business Technology Network.

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