Mobile Broadband To Boost Economy: Report

<a href="">InformationWeek</a>

Jim Manico, OWASP Global Board Member

May 29, 2008

1 Min Read

Wireless broadband will generate $860 billion in additional gross domestic product in the next decade, according to a new report from by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA).The report, "The Increasing Important Impact of Wireless Broadband Technology and Services on the U.S. Economy" (PDF), says by 2016, a full 83 percent of all U.S. businesses will be using mobile broadband, up from 25 percent in 2005. In particular, the health-care industry and small businesses are expected to realize significant benefits from the increased rollout and adoption of mobile broadband.

"Small businesses are expected to reap gains because of the benefits that the mobility aspect of wireless broadband provides, such as not having to staff a head office, more ready access to corporate information, field service automation and better use of travel time," the report states.InformationWeek

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About the Author(s)

Jim Manico

OWASP Global Board Member

Jim Manico is a Global Board Member for the OWASP foundation where he helps drive the strategic vision for the organization. OWASP's mission is to make software security visible, so that individuals and organizations worldwide can make informed decisions about true software security risks. OWASP's AppSecUSA<> conferences represent the nonprofit's largest outreach efforts to advance its mission of spreading security knowledge, for more information and to register, see here<>. Jim is also the founder of Manicode Security where he trains software developers on secure coding and security engineering. He has a 18 year history building software as a developer and architect. Jim is a frequent speaker on secure software practices and is a member of the JavaOne rockstar speaker community. He is the author of Iron-Clad Java: Building Secure Web Applications<> from McGraw-Hill and founder of Brakeman Pro. Investor/Advisor for Signal Sciences.

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